During today's lesson we were planning for our exhibition in studio 11. Me and Lauren were busy away sorting out my draw, I felt like it needed a cleaning down so I got some paper towels and cleaned it. After it was clean I started to arrange my things, starting with my plan sheet for my pencil sharpener rubber idea where I'd added some of my own samples.
Life Drawing
Then on top I added my life drawing picture, I chose this one I'd decided to draw where the angle is drawn from the bottom of her feet up to her head. So it looks like her feet are bigger than her head. This one worked well with composition. I really liked the way the tone was on it where the feet were shadowy and the rest of her body was lighter it gave a good sense of tone from dark to light on the body. The feet seemed to be the best part of the drawing itself.
Library Book
The next thing was my Library Book where I'd place it at the right side of my tray. The reason for this was so it was beside the center pieces (i.e Tessellations). The library book went well with the rest of the objects, and because it was a very long thin black appearance it looks good at the side almost like a crow perched on a fence.
The center of my draw was the tessellation piece I'd made in Tweeney's lesson I made them central because they remind me of a collection and they fixed well with the big sheet (backdrop of tray). They reminded me of interesting designs I'd made in lesson time. I have arranged them in a rainbow shape to make them look playful, The Pencil shavings tessellation went well with the Pencil sharpener plan sheet title. As it has a pencil logo and often it you see a Graphite pencil they have a certain reddish orange tinge to them. A bit like the pencil shavings tessellation.
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