Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Card Board Structures

For our next project which was to create a card board either castle or box I had taken some inspiration from other candidates in the class room, I found that creating my box into a castle was going to be easiest so i went with that idea.

At first I was finding the shape to be UN-castle-like so I decided to leave the castle wall idea out of the plan, closely followed was my idea of covering the wall with tissue paper to paint over afterwards. I found this helped later on when it came to painting the castle walls.

The next lesson was all about coming up with different ways of decorating our boxes, I struggled at first because I was behind with covering my castle in Tissue paper but Lauren my teaching assistant reassured me that I wasn't the only one on the covering our box with newspaper idea. Dave our classroom teacher was going around giving people some inspiration to help them boost their pieces, I could see he was giving us all lots of advice of how to decorate our boxes.

I was just in the middle of decorating the inside walls when Dave observed my castle, He said he thought the choice of paper covering was a good way to make it more interesting to the eye, closely followed by that he suggested that I'd use "the green top bit of the washing up sponge" to use as grass and moss to cover the walls with.

So that evening I sat at home filling in the inside of my box covering it with the left over tissue paper (Luckily I didn't run out) this was going to be a good chance to decide what to cover the floor of my castle with. I decided to use some "Red Tissue Paper" to cover my box floor with this worked well as it brought a slightly royal presence to the structure.

The next day I was sat in my room listening to my music when I remembered that my castle was not yet complete, I had a clear plan in my head of what to do to improve the castle. So that evening when the dining room table was clear I brought down my castle to continue decorating it, I brought down my selection of paints that I'd used before and began mixing some of the paints together to create new colors. I came up with a Golden Yellow color and used it to paint the outside of the castle. I then took a look back at my work when I had finished I thought it needed more detail of it being a castle, so I filled in the parts with bricks and covered some parts in the green cleaning part of sponge for the grass.

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