The colors were navy blue with white windows that now looking back on it seem very dream like. The wheels were yellow with a red circle in the middle. It used to make this sound as you rolled it along the floor.
However to my horror I had forgotten this object of pride. It was to my disappointment that I'd only to turn to my pencil case as a resource of finding my special object. Lauren my teaching assistant gave me some advice as to what to do, she suggested to focus on the shape and pattern for an example She used was my pencil sharpener rubber she explained about how all the sides joined up together to make a tessellation pattern. She then suggested taking parts of the sharpener to create a pattern. I tried the idea on paper and it worked, we even cut out parts of the tessellated pattern and joined it up.
We were then given a task which was to convert our pattern onto different materials such as wood and plastic and other resources we could find. Typically I chose wood and I drew my shape onto the wood as it was strong and was going to last. The outcome was like this..
We then got given homework where we had to come up with different types of tessellated patterns such as patterns made from metal and polystyrene. It was the last lesson before we brought our tessellation project to an end and I didn't have any ideas, in fact I didn't even do any research in what ideas hadn't been tried before. I was stuck as to what I could do.. But to all my worries I couldn't help notice that Lauren my TA was playing with some pencil shavings whilst I was lost in thought, I knew she was trying to get something across to me but I didn't know what. She told me her idea of the tessellation shape being made of wood and the shavings from the a pencil being made of wood which comes from trees. She then hinted the fact that trees our nature is being cut down. The idea she was trying to convey to me was covering the tessellation shape with pencil shavings.
The process was quick and easy it even got people intrigued, along with the tessellation I made 3 others that were equally as good this included a metal one with chipped patterns along with a polystyrene one with a wood shaving cover including a plastic tessellation filled with balls of polystyrene.
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