This one we made it more accurate. I also like the way his arm and hand looks like the crane itself. |
This was one of the Crane we took, This guy had suggested taking a photo where it would look like he was holding the bricks that made the Crane stable. So we tried a couple of times to see if we could get it accurate. But this is what we came up with to begin with. As you can see we weren't successful in terms of positioning.
Before we got to the car park roof me and his guy that I'd decided to pare up with were searching for a place that would give us lots of shots to take he was telling me about how to play a bass and how his finger tips would always end up ruff and numb. I told him about an electric guitar I kept in my room but never found the time to play it some of this was partly because I didn't know how to. It was a sunny day when we were out and about drawing the buildings around us, and we had gone up to the car park roof to take some photos to add as part of our project. Which was to create photos that looked like someone was picking up a building or those photos that are things that seem bigger or smaller than what they are. These are the ones that I took with a guy I'd met that day...
On the way up to the car park which was the place we decided to go, we were in a rush to get to the top in lots of time, So we didn't really stop to check the other floors of the car park. But I really liked the ambiance of the lights reflecting on the cars. By the time we reached the top I was adamant to get started on our photo taking. So without a moment to lose he suggested the church roof so we went with that as the shape was tall and pointy and stood proudly on top of the church structure.
This was our first attempt at trying to take this photo. As you can see it wasn't what we hoped for this was just one of the few we tried to make accurate. His hand was a little down below the church roof and his hand was shaking while I was getting the camera in focus due to the fact it was windy and he had to keep that pose for a long time.
As you can see the road is a very grey color very much like the grey building in the photo where his hand is reaching over. It also has this slight sheen to it which makes certain parts look unreal a lot like his hand in the photo. The cars in this photo look like the cars in some of the other photo's I took as well a bit like some parts are real and some aren't real. |
This was one I took up close as you see in this photograph its much more shadier. Which makes it seem like a backdrop almost very serial like the church is a board cut out and someone's stuck it there along with the building in front to the right and the trees look like their artificial trees. It also shows the sense of depth i.e something being in front of something else. This would of made a good close up photo if only his hand was a little to the right holding the church roof. This would of been a more accurate photo.
Eventually we took this photo and we got the position of his hand right. So It wasn't away from the church roof or out of place. It was just right.
Here in this one his hand was in line with the weather vane on top of the church roof but his hand was a little bit away from the roof itself. However I like this one because it looks like his hand is reaching over the building in front like it's a photo of a mini model city that someone had made..
This one was slightly different as there's more life on the road and at the traffic lights however the skies look the same however the shadow of the surroundings are darker in this one. |
In this photo as you can see my hands a little out of place in terms of it being beside the slanting walls. You can see that the Plymouth college of art building goes well with the black sleeve of my shirt, which compliments the college in terms of art if my shirt is very flowery then it fits well with the theme in art. I also really like the position of my arm in the photo and the way the bar that I'm leading on lines up well with the road along with the building almost like a vanishing point. But instead of it being in the middle its at the side.
I really like this one as my top looks very different to the background (The shopping mall and crossing). It was a very tropical feel that almost goes well with the slanted walls as their a sort of orange mango color. The way the color tone is in this photo is slightly layered i.e the background being darker than the fore skin (My arm) being brighter makes it more clearer as to what I'm meant to be showing for example if I have a certain pose then if someone looks back at that pose with a shady background then it brings the message behind that pose. |
This was one of my personal favorites. I really liked the way my hand was positioned in the photo as it makes it look like I'm pushing back the falling boards. Or as I see them like Bars of chocolate. I always remember from when I was small, and still even today seeing certain buildings that remind me of things that you can pick up and eat. It also looks really the serial with the cars and the roads.
This is the drawing I made of the group of flats together.
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