Wednesday, 11 November 2015

When it came to reviewing each others work on our 3D box project everyone gave great feedback about our work including some people from the Media Production. 

Pinch Had said for "What Do You See?"

I see different textured landscapes and melancholy feel to the piece. 

"What does it communicate to you?" 

Melancholy surroundings

Taylor Wills said for "What do you see?"

A colorful and complex 3D design bright and vibrant and skillfully crafted. Cardboard and leaves, wires and sticks. 

"What does it communicate to you?"

It looks very natural and pretty. There is a lot of green plants which make me feel at ease. It looks very creative and unique. 

Renee said for "What do you see?" 

I see Autumn tones, Nature and wildlife.

"What does it communicate to you?" 

This piece is ironic. Its a tree made from match sticks. 

Ben said for "What do you see?" 

A small farm or village filled with trees and different seasons for each building. Fresh leaves covering the ground. 

"What does it communicate to you?"

The change in seasons and life of a tree throughout a year I really like the trees and their. Realistic shapes I also really like the little details as the robins and the gree on the leafs of the spring or summer tree. 

Lauren said for "What do you see" 

Different textures 
Creative/ Imaginative celeas 

"What does it communicate to you?"

Bit venelom 
Cant see how each idea connects together. Love the different methods that have been used to create the trees. 

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